June 22 - 25, 2025
Delta Hotel and Conference Centre
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Xiong Zhang is the James A. Heidman Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). He received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University. Before he joined in the Missouri S&T, he worked at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and University of Cincinnati for 10 years.
Zhang has been teaching and conducting research in the field of geotechnical engineering since 1992. His studies focus on development of advanced laboratory techniques to rapidly characterize geomaterials, constitutive modeling coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils, numerical modeling of climate-soil-structure interaction, slope stability analysis, soil stabilization and ground improvement, and frozen ground engineering. He recently received the 2016 International Innovation Award in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics from TC106 Committee on Unsaturated Soils within the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Zhang is currently serving as editorial board member of Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Cold Region Engineering. He also serves as a chair of ASCE GI Shallow Foundation Committee and committee member of several nationwide technical committees.
Soil freezing characteristic curve (SFCC) relates unfrozen water content to temperature and has been extensively used as a unique curve in the numerical simulation of frost heave. SFCC is influenced by many factors, among which the most important one is soil suction. For example, at zero oC, the unfrozen water content for a soil at saturation (suction=0) will be significantly different from that for the same soil at completely dried conditions (suction=1000MKa). Consequently, even for the same soil, the obtained SFCCs will be different if the initial suctions of the soil specimens are different. In fact, the unfrozen water content inside a partially frozen soil should be a function of both temperature and suction. Consequently, a soil freezing characteristic surface (SFCS) is a more rigorous way to describe unfrozen water content in a partially frozen soil than the SFCC for the investigation of the frost heave problem.
In this study, we developed a novel SFCS for partially frozen soils. This surface delineates SFCCs under different suction states by determining the initial water content and freezing point, thus elucidating the constitutive relationship among water content, temperature, and suction. Unlike conventional SFCC studies that focus solely on unfrozen water content and temperature, the proposed SFCS provides a comprehensive understanding of soil freezing characteristics under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. The proposed SFCS was validated using experimental data involving clay, silt, and sand. This study significantly enhances our understanding of the soil freezing process and provides a theoretical constitutive surface essential for analyzing THM behaviors in frozen soils.