June 22 - 25, 2025
Delta Hotel and Conference Centre
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Invited Speakers

Delwyn G. Fredlund, O.C., P.Eng.
Engineering Decisions Associated with Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

Mike O’Kane, P.Eng., M.Sc., MAusIMM, GCB.D
Thirty Years of Applied Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
in the Mining Industry

Michel Aubertin, Ph.D., FCAE, FEIC, FCSCE
Unsaturated properties of mine tailings and waste rocks: from measurements to large scale applications

Sandra Houston
The Two Stress State Variable Link from Stress Path to Stress State Surface to Elastoplastic Unsaturated Soil Modeling
Bernardo Caicedo
Simulating extreme weather conditions, freezing, raining, and desiccation through unsaturated soil mechanics

Luciano A. Oldecop
The influence of unsaturated phenomena in the failure of an ancient (upstream raised) tailings dam

Richard Wan
Deciphering unsaturated soil behaviour and transitions across all capillary regimes

Giuseppe Buscarnera
Rainfall-induced flowslides in unsaturated shallow slopes: from triggering to runout

Riccardo Rignon
The tricky physics and numerics of freezing soil and its effects on the hydrological cycle

Gilson Gitirana
Unsaturated soil behavior in the context of resilient cities and infrastructure in tropical regions